The first quarter of this year has seen US adventures undertaken and plays shared with audiences far and wide, in Australia, Germany, Italy and North America.
And so as to see new works come to be, I swapped hemispheres in March (as generously supported by Milwaukee’s First Stage, and New York’s Lincoln Center) and sat in an audience for the world premiere of First Stage’s The Snow, and New York premiere of Trusty Sidekick’s The Boy at the Edge of Everything (as presented by the largest cultural institution in the world, the Lincoln Center for the Arts).
While visiting Milwaukee, I spoke with Peggy Sue Dunigan from Broadway World: Broadway World interview
And was interviewed by Bonnie North on National Public Radio Milwaukee: NPR interview (feel free to have a listen)
I also spoke to university students at Juilliard in New York and at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Finally, I was honoured to have an essay, The Taboo of Sadness published by the renowned American Theatre Magazine in their special edition on Theatre for Young Audiences. Feel free to read it here.
Since then I’ve returned to Tasmania, just as autumn descends upon the island and with it, the leaves of our grapevine and gingko blanketing the earth beneath. Now that Moe is walking, he helps Es and I ready the veggie beds for our next season of planting and, when indoors, the heaters are lit and new words for the writing sat down to.
Commissions for Australian and international companies loom large on the horizon. Existing plays pack bags for seasons far and wide (see: Upcoming). And in May at DC’s John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, ‘The Boy at the Edge of Everything’ is launched as a selected work in its New Visions, New Voices: 25 years, 25 plays anthology.
Wishing you all a lovely autumn or, for those in the northern hemisphere, happy springtime respite from the winter now passed.