Like everyone in the arts, 2020 has seen many plans fall by the wayside, with lots of shows sadly cancelled but also lots of room provided for the writing of new ones.

Hibernation-resize3In one of the strangest coincidences, a play started last November about the entire world going to sleep for a year, ended up coinciding… with the entire world going to sleep for a year.

Very happy to share that Hibernation will enjoy its world premiere in the 2021 State Theatre of South Australia season, imagining a near-future where the planet is feeling the climactic strain and humanity realises a year without us is the only thing that will save us. “We have been making our beds – now we must lie in them”.

2021 also sees three other world premieres come to be, one for adults, one for teenagers, and one for children.

The World is Looking for You is a one-woman show brought to life, and inspired, by my great friend Sarah Brokensha and produced by The Misery Children, as supported by Country Arts SA, the Adelaide Festival Centre and Brink Productions.

Everything They Ever Said With Fingers Crossed Behind Their Backs begins its life in the wonderful DreamBig International Children’s Festival, commissioned by SayArts and performed by the excellent teenaged Kindred Ensemble.

And for children, The Great Ignored sees a noir detective story play out far across the seas in Milwaukee WI, as realised by my great friends and regular collaborators at First Stage.

81509213_2791100614273755_7686416804570202112_oAnd alongside these four most fledgling of plays, next year sees 25 other productions come to be in seven countries and five continents, travels that are lovely to imagine while our own lives are contained for the time being.

Alison Lester’s iconic and much loved Magic Beach will continue its travels far and wide around the country thanks to CDP Theatre Producers.

Compagnie de Facto’s Cheeseboy will tell its sad tale in French throughout France, Switzerland and Belgium. Mexico’s Teatro Luna de Papel will evoke the love between a grandmother and granddaughter in Forgetting to Remember.

And throughout the US and Australia, 14 impassioned, inventive school and university ensembles will bring various plays to life, young performers offering work to young audiences in the most exciting of handovers.


Finally, for those unable to make it out to the theatre but keen to read a play or five at home, the wonderful Currency Press have this year released an anthology called For We The Young, containing five of my plays for young audiences.

Such a lovely honour to have it sat upon a shelf, and to have the scripts accompanied by an intro from my friend Meg Upton and cover art from my friend Andy Ellis.

Thanks in advance to everyone who prepares to step back onto a stage, or in front of a camera so that stories may be told, and wishing you all happy holidays and a redemptive 2021 to come.


(By Corie Mattie, in Santa Monica CA)