Thanks for taking an interest in an existing work, or one yet to be.
Fill in the details below and I’ll be in email contact shortly.

Thanks for taking an interest in reading a play. Once you’ve made contact, I can send you Paypal details and – once received – a PDF version of the script. Various charges apply:
– Individual scripts, for personal reading, are $10.
– If keen to read a few (so as to choose one that might be a good fit for your theatre or school’s future season), no worries and 6-10 scripts are $50.
– If the script is to be studied with a class or form part of an academic curriculum, then the fee is $50 per script.

No works may be presented to an audience (paying or otherwise) without a formal licensing agreement being signed – to discuss this, just make contact and I’m very happy to talk further. Different rates apply for professional or amateur companies, all in accordance with Aus. Writers’ Guild standards.

And if finances are truly an issue, of course I’m always happy to have a conversation with you about what’s possible.

Thank you, hello from Tasmania, and hope you enjoy the work(s) selected.