Excited to share something very special – while I love writing plays and the community of theatre folk I get to exist amongst, forever and always my great artistic love has been books. They are a quiet pleasure, they inspire wonder time and time again, they’ve filled every corner of every home, they are created by my greatest heroes, they whisper and shout and sing.
And in 2022, in the midst of a strange and fearful hibernation when sickness cast a pall over our household, I wrote one.
I sent three unsolicited chapters off to my favourite publisher, Text, and amazingly they picked them out of a pile and asked to see more. And amazingly again, they offered to publish. And amazingly a third time, they (ridiculously clever editor Jane, Fruzsi, Maddy, Jess, Ari, many others) gave patient guidance and wise notes and helped shape it into something ready for a reader – all sat within WH Chong’s beautiful cover.
‘The End and Everything Before It’ is the story of a coastal town as witnessed over two centuries, and the ebb and flow of those who come to inhabit it – brave fisherwomen who carry omens, chastened prisoners who forge small empires, orphans who look back, daughters who can see for miles. Of course the book is dedicated to Essie (who was the first to read it and whose feedback meant the world). And to Moe, who is a wonder.
It’s released July 2nd, so if you fancy preordering a copy, head to: https://www.textpublishing.com.au/…/the-end-and…
If in Adelaide on that date, come join for a very fun launch party. And if just sat quietly someplace, and find yourself opening up a copy, then I really hope you enjoy.